Morpheus Physical Or Magical Dmg

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Morpheus Physical Or Magical Dmg Rating: 9,7/10 5478 reviews

Addon that highlights incoming magic vs physical dmg? As a guardian druid I'd appreciate a little bar addon that showed incoming magic vs physical damage in the last X seconds, as an aid for learning which encounters need more magic AM vs physical AM. As a general rule. All dmg done by tanks, melee dps, and bard dps is considered physical. And all Dmg done by Scholar's Blms, Whms, Summoners is magical. The only possible exception is Ifrit egi, to which I am uncertain because no one ever uses it =P.

I am an experienced ember player. I started playing as ember when 6.86 became online and i would always go for battle fury daedalus into divine build and then 7.xx patch came and i saw everyone buildin veil and octarine into him to make him a magical damage dealer. As of now i still use thr physical build but the magical build is so intriguing and i want to know which is better. I think the physical build is better since in the late game magical damage wont do that much damage.


Magical damage Ember has been nerfed so much now. Talent tree nerf, Blademail and magic amplification interaction change, and Battlefury buffed. I'm not sure Ember magic build is worth it now


magic dmg ember is still better
don't underestimate the damage of veil triple remnant and shit

Smile Protector

Either are fine, it all depends on when you need to come online and what you need to do.

magic dmg ember is still better
don't underestimate the damage of veil triple remnant and shit

The biggest problem with magical ember is that he is no longer an escape hero - he uses his ultimate for damage, but if you are EVER counterinitiated on, you simply get rekt. This is not the case with the escapey physical build where you can deal a fuckton of damage lategame, nobody can push high ground and you can wreck people if they ever group up.

What do you do as a magical ember, if you are either counterinitiated on, or have to defend barracks? In the first case you just die somewhere and say well fuck it, in the second case, you blow everything you have, then die, and the opponents take your base.

If you have to choose, then 2% damage bonus is always better than any crit bonus. 4% crit is still better than 1% extra damage. As an aside, the sharktooth necklaces' defense reduction is worth about 10% damage bonus or 20% crit bonus and greatly enhances the efficiency of both damage and crit modifiers. Critical hits occur randomly when striking enemies.By default, each successful hit on an enemy has a 4% chance of being a 'critical hit', dealing approximately double the usual damage of the weapon in use with 40% more knockback.A small number of weapons have. Terraria +Crit vs +Damage, a comparison. User Info: HyperTailsMan. HyperTailsMan 8 years ago #1. If you have 50 base damage, and build +100% damage, you'll hit for 100 (50+50 bonus). If you have 50 base damage, and build +100% critical hit, you'll hit for 100 (50x2, 100% of the time). Crit chance vs dmg terraria pc.


Obv u dont commit triple remnant like that, plus u still have a low cd blink, root to stop other people from chasing, and SoF to dodge spells and shit.
Physical damage ember takes way too long to become relevant imo, with magic ember u can win fights at like 10 min with just a veil. Physical dmg ember also needs a lot of slots for damage, as magic ember with say radiance octarine shivas blink u become slippery and tanky. But as physical ember one slot is travels, another is bf, another is crits, and then u have blink and linkens to become evasive but r rlly squishy to just anyone blink hexing u. Say if u buy skadi then ull lack dmg late game with just daedalus bf. Idk it seems way too reliant on having a good start and good farm, magic ember is very easy to come back with

Farm then Carry

And with the magic build, if you level you cd talent and get octarine, your cooldowns are so low which results in some clutch plays. my item build is boots>bottle>veil>BoT>radiance(maelstrom if team already has radi)>blink>octa

Ayaneru ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Magical ember is still superior than a physical one. You can erase one hero instantly when done right while the physical build can't. It is also very powerful when he reach lvl 12, especially if he has veil already.

But, physical ember > magical ember late game. But I think ember kan transition from magical to physical late game: Sell the veil into a attack item and hide the dagger for another damage item like fury or daedalus.

Morpheus Physical Or Magical Dmg Free

From the freezing season

The thing is , Magical Ember is an Armor build , as it fix ember's weakness and allow him to get in the face others and use his spells offensively. While the Physical one is more Defensive imo. U got the idea when to use which one now.

Morpheus physical or magical dmg 1
Catsys Rivers

Magical damage is there so the game doesn't go late. Physical damage is there in case it does.

Is what the translation happens to be.

Magical early physical late. I would say go for physical talents and magical items then you can transition into physical late game if you had to.


magic trust me its still solid even after nerfs it just fits embers playstyle

Morpheus Physical Or Magical Dmg Free

the cd reduction + octarine makes you a split pushing monster late game

tho i have been itching to play linkens fury into bloodthorn late game

manta style user

u still do cd reduction and octarine even if you do physical build

i mean i saw midone do bfury daedalus but he was rly roflstomping the game


idk its wasted of bf daedalus bc it doesnt benefit from it


They are the same now. Physical build if the enemy have illusion or summoning heroes. Magical build for all other possibilities. When you remove Ember Spirit from match up that screws him over, both will have somewhat equal merit.


I think the magic Ember is for snowballing hard I mean with just a Veil you can already dish out huge damage early, use it for pickoffs by bursting enemies, or for winning early clashes.

I Saw G (russian pro player) play him with veil into battlefury
it seems like he just used veil to gain momentum early on to secure a much more solid late game


Physical dmg ember takes too much time and does to little​ imo,and you're really squishy with the build


No time to explain but phys damage ember loses me all games, I would rather prefer magic for 2 points at least:
1. Split push is still dead
2. Magic ember invests in teamfights


You also need a rapier and once you're dead you lose the game


I am an experienced ember player. I started playing as ember when 6.86 became online and i would always go for battle fury daedalus into divine build and then 7.xx patch came and i saw everyone buildin veil and octarine into him to make him a magical damage dealer. As of now i still use thr physical build but the magical build is so intriguing and i want to know which is better. I think the physical build is better since in the late game magical damage wont do that much damage.

Vengeance Organ

changing that font does not make you look smart, it makes you seems like you have a hard to reading so you blew it up and then accidently posted.


changing that font does not make you look smart, it makes you seems like you have a hard to reading so you blew it up and then accidently posted.

Morpheus Physical Or Magical Dmg 1

but isnt magic ember built to kill the squishy backliners? see sumail's final game at the manila master wherein he constantly killed backline squishies insteadof the facefucker carries


it takes 10 years to come online with dps build and you're strong way earlier with magic build.

Morpheus Physical Or Magical Dmg 2


Morpheus Physical Or Magical Dmg Games

physical dmg build's buildup seems so slow and unappealing until you have so many items. magic dmg / utility ember lets u be more relevant at all stages of the game. its a different playstyle

Morpheus Physical Or Magical Dmg Full

EDIT: Thanks for ASHISHDUH and Komodo for compiling this full champ list.
Akali * * * *Hybrid, mostly magic
Alistar * * * *Magic
Amumu * * * *magic
Anivia * * * *Magic
Annie * * * *Magic
Ashe * * * *Hybrid, mostly physical
Blitzcrank * *Hybrid, mostly magic
Caitlyn * * * *Physical
Cassiopeia * *Magic
Cho'Gath * *Magic
Corki * * * *Hybrid
Dr. Mundo * *Hybrid, mostly magic (can build for true hybrid)
Evelynn * * * *Hybrid
Ezreal * * * *Hybrid, mostly physical
Fiddlesticks * *Magic
Galio * * * *Magic
Gangplank * *Hybrid, mostly physical
Garen * * * *Hybrid, mostly physical
Gragas * * * *Hybrid, mostly magic
Heimerdinger * *Magic
Irelia * * * *Hybrid
Janna * * * *Magic
Jarvan IV * *Physical
Jax * * * *Hybrid (can build for mostly magic)
Karma * * * *Magic
karthus * * * *Magic
Kassadin * *Magic
Katarina * *Magic
Kayle * * * *Hybrid
Kennen * * * *Magic
Kog'Maw * * * *Hybrid, mostly magic (can build for true hybrid)
LeBlanc * * * *Magic
Lux * * * *Magic
Malphite * *Magic
Malzahar * *Magic
Maokai * * * *Magic
Master Yi * *Magic OR Physical
Miss Fortune * *Hybrid
Mordekaiser * *Magic
Morgana * * * *Magic
Nasus * * * *Hybrid, mostly physical
Nidalee * * * *Hybrid, mostly magic
Nunu * * * *Magic
Olaf * * * *Physical
Pantheon * *Physical
Poppy * * * *Magic
Rammus * * * *Magic
Renekton * *Physical
Ryze * * * *Magic
Shaco * * * *Hybrid
Shen * * * *Magic
Singed * * * *Magic
Sion * * * *Magic OR Physical
Sivir * * * *Physical
Sona * * * *Magic
Soraka * * * *Magic
Swain * * * *Magic
Taric * * * *Hybrid, mostly magic
Teemo * * * *Hybrid, mostly magic
Tristana * * *Physical
Trundle * * * *Physical
Tryndamere * *Physical
Twisted Fate * *Hybrid, mostly magic
Twitch * * * *Physical
Udyr * * * *Hybrid
Urgot * * * *Physical
Veigar * * * *Magic
Vladimir * *Magic
Warwick * * * *Hybrid
Xin Zhao * *Physical
Zilean * * * *Magic