Diablo 3 Patch 2.5 Damage Monk Dmg Build

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Paladin Skills
  • All Skills

These skills are primarily melee strikes of various types, but Paladins also possess a few magical attacks and some highly-effective shield attacks as well.

  • 5Charge


Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Synergies: Points in these skills increase the damage done with Sacrifice.

  • Redemption: +15% Damage Per Level
  • Fanaticism: +5% Damage Per Level

Details: Sacrifice boosts the Paladin's damage and attack rating substantially, at a cost in blood. Each hit landed with this skill inflicts 8% of its damage on the Paladin.

  • To offset the damage to self, life leech equipment can come in very handy.
    • Due to penalties to life leech in higher difficulties, at least 16% (Nightmare) and 24% (Hell) life leech is required to negate the HP loss.
    • Life is reduced before life steal and Life Tap are applied. Thus using Sacrifice while at low HP can be fatal, even with sufficient life steal.
  • It's possible to kill yourself with Sacrifice, leading to the amusing 'Paladin was slain by Paladin.' death message in game.
    • The game will recognize this as PvP, which nullifies experience loss in hell and nightmare difficulties.
Damage to Self:8%
Skill Level Progression [e]
SlvlAR +X%Damage +X%SlvlAR +X%Damage +X%SlvlAR +X%Damage +X%SlvlAR +X%Damage +X%
1 20 180%6 55 255%11 90 330%16 125 405%
2 27 195%7 62 270%12 97 345%17 132 420%
3 34 210%8 69 285%13 104 360%18 139 435%
4 41 225%9 76 300%14 111 375%19 146 450%
5 48 240%10 83 315%15 118 390%20 153 465%



Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Requires: A shield equipped.
Synergies: None.
Details: Smite is a shield bash that damages, stuns, and knocks back the target.

  • The speed of smite is based on the equipped weapon.
  • Smite causes durability loss to the equipped weapon.
  • Smite's damage is based on the shield. Only Paladins see the listed Smite damage on shields.
  • Damage types that work with Smite: Crushing Blow and Open Wounds.
  • Damage types that do not work with Smite: Life and mana leech, Deadly Strike, elemental damage from Auras, undead damage from Sanctuary, damage from Charms,
  • Smite will steal life (only) when the Life Tap Curse is active on the target.
  • Smite always hits, so can be very useful against monsters or players with high defense.
  • Bosses and SuperUniques have a resistance to being stunned, but will be stunned with repeated hits. Act Bosses can not be stunned.
  • Stun lengths are decreased to 1/2 in Nightmare and 1/4 in Hell.
Skill Level Progression [e]
SlvlDamage +X%DurationSlvlDamage +X%DurationSlvlDamage +X%DurationSlvlDamage +X%Duration
1 15% 0.66 90% 1.611 165% 2.616 240% 3.6
2 30% 0.87 105% 1.812 180% 2.817 255% 3.8
3 45% 1.08 120% 2.013 195% 3.018 270% 4.0
4 60% 1.29 135% 2.214 210% 3.219 285% 4.2
5 75% 1.410 150% 2.415 225% 3.420 300% 4.4

Diablo 3 patch 2.5 damage monk dmg build guide

Holy Bolt[edit]

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Synergies: Each point in the following skills boosts the damage or healing of Holy Bolt.

  • Blessed Hammer: +50% Magic Damage Per Level
  • Fist of the Heavens: +50% Magic Damage Per Level
  • Prayer: +15% Life Healed Per Level

Details: A glowing, magical projectile is fired out at a medium rate of speed. This projectile will damage enemy undead monsters, and heal friends.

  • Holy Bolt damage can not be resisted, but only affects the Undead.
  • Holy Bolt was a novelty in early versions of the game, but since synergies were added in v1.09 it's become potentially quite powerful, both as a killing weapon and a healing skill.
Skill Level Progression [e]
SlvlManaMagic DamageHealingSlvlManaMagic DamageHealingSlvlManaMagic DamageHealingSlvlManaMagic DamageHealing
12.08-161-662.348-5611-2611 2.6 94-105 21-4616 2.9 144-160 31-66
22.016-243-1072.356-6413-3012 2.6 104-116 23-5017 3.0 157-175 33-70
32.124-325-1482.464-7215-3413 2.7 114-127 25-5418 3.0 170-190 35-74
42.132-407-1892.574-8317-3814 2.8 124-138 27-5819 3.1 183-205 37-78
52.240-489-22102.584-9419-4215 2.8 134-149 29-6220 3.1 196-220 39-82


Required Level: 12
Synergies: Zeal receives bonus from points spent in:

  • Sacrifice: +12% Damage Per Level

Details: Zeal is a rapid, multi-strike attack with substantial bonuses to attack rating, attack speed, and damage.

  • The first strike will always aim at the targeted monster. The next four will alternate between all targets in range.
    • Using Zeal on a group tends to wear all the monsters down gradually and equally. Poison damage or Prevent Monster Heal will keep them from healing back during the battle.
    • If you wish to kill a single monster in a group, you should use Vengeance, Sacrifice or Smite to hit just it.
  • If using a one-handed weapon, picking one with 2 or 3 range will work noticeably better than 1-range items, especially when hitting monsters in a group.
  • Note that points in Sacrifice add more to Zeal's damage than points in Zeal itself, though they do not add to the Attack Rating. If higher damage is the goal, raise Zeal enough to get five hits and the necessary AR, then put points into Sacrifice instead.
  • Zeal can not be interrupted; all five hits are always delivered, though not necessarily successfully.
  • In earlier versions of Diablo II, Zeal gained a hit with every point spent in the skill. This was a problem for online play, when characters became desynched and stood there swinging 20 times and hitting nothing. The change to 5 fast hits made Zeal the most popular Paladin combat skill.
Skill Level Progression [e]
SlvlAR +X%#HitsDamageSlvlAR +X%#HitsDamageSlvlAR +X%#HitsDamageSlvlAR +X%#HitsDamage
1 10% 2 +0%6 60% 5 +12%11 110% 5 +42%16 160% 5 +72%
2 20% 3 +0%7 70% 5 +18%12 120% 5 +48%17 170% 5 +78%
3 30% 4 +0%8 80% 5 +24%13 130% 5 +54%18 180% 5 +84%
4 40% 5 +0%9 90% 5 +30%14 140% 5 +60%19 190% 5 +90%
5 50% 5 +6%10 100% 5 +36%15 150% 5 +66%20 200% 5 +96%


Required Level: 12
Synergies: Charge receives damage bonuses from points placed in:

  • Vigor: +20% Damage Per Level
  • Might: +20% Damage Per Level

Details: A rushing attack that moves the Paladin very quickly to the target. Includes a knock back effect allowing it to be used over and over again on the same enemy, knocking them back until they die or run into an obstacle.

  • Despite the icon and location on the skill tree (after Smite) Charge does not require a shield, nor does the shield damage factor into the damage dealt if you have a weapon equipped. Charging with a big damage, two-handed weapon can be very effective.
  • Like all of the Paladin's combat skills, Charge is best used on the left click, while an aura is active on the right.
  • Charge can not be used in melee range; only from further away. Smite for the knock back, then Charge is a useful combination.
  • Charge can be used without a target by holding down the shift key. This will let your Paladin traverse long distances very quickly, though it uses up a lot of mana and leaves minions far behind.
  • Bugs with Charge can freeze the Paladin in place, or make him walk backwards (the moonwalk bug). Switching weapons or getting hit will usually snap him out of it.
  • Charge was the favorite low level PK skill in early D2 days. Beware low level Paladins with Vigor and big two-handed weapons. (Such as Bonesnap.)

Charging Speed[edit]

Diablo 3 Patch 2.5 Damage Monk Dmg Build 2017

ChargeSpeed = BaseRunSpeed * (1 + Skill_FRW / 100 + Armor_Speed / 100) * 150%

where the terms are as above. By substituting BaseRunSpeed and multiplying it by 150%, we get:

ChargeSpeed = 9 yards/s * (1 + Skill_FRW / 100 + Armor_Speed / 100)

There is no lower limit to ChargeSpeed. It can be even negative.

Skill Level Progression [e]
1 +100% 50%6 +225% 125%11 +350% 200%16 +475% 275%
2 +125% 65%7 +250% 140%12 +375% 215%17 +500% 290%
3 +150% 80%8 +275% 155%13 +400% 230%18 +525% 305%
4 +175% 95%9 +300% 170%14 +425% 245%19 +550% 320%
5 +200% 110%10 +325% 185%15 +450% 260%20 +575% 335%

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Required Level: 18
Prerequisites:Sacrifice, Zeal
Synergies: Additional damage comes from points in:

  • Resist Fire: +10% Fire Damage Per Level
  • Resist Cold: +10% Cold Damage Per Level
  • Resist Lightning: +10% Lightning Damage Per Level
  • Salvation: +2% Elemental Damage Per Level

Details: A powerful single-hit attack that adds fire, lightning, and cold damage. The damage is not a set amount, but is based on your weapon damage, so the more damaging your weapon, the bigger the elemental damage bonus will be.

  • Vengeance is usually paired with the Conviction aura, which lowers enemy resistances considerably. Fanaticism might be more helpful for some equipment sets though, for the faster swing and attack rating bonuses.
Skill Level Progression [e]
SlvlManaDur.Elem Dmg.+ARSlvlManaDur.Elem Dmg.+ARSlvlManaDur.Elem Dmg.+ARSlvlManaDur.Elem Dmg.+AR
1 4.0 1.2 +70% +20%6 5.2 4.2 +100% +70%11 6.5 7.2 +130% +120%16 7.7 10.2 +160% +170%
2 4.2 1.8 +76% +30%7 5.5 4.8 +106% +80%12 6.7 7.8 +136% +130%17 8.0 10.8 +166% +180%
3 4.5 2.4 +82% +40%8 5.7 5.4 +112% +90%13 7.0 8.4 +142% +140%18 8.2 11.4 +172% +190%
4 4.7 3.0 +88% +50%9 6.0 6.0 +118% +100%14 7.2 9.0 +148% +150%19 8.5 12.0 +178% +200%
5 5.0 3.6 +94% +60%10 6.2 6.6 +124% +110%15 7.5 9.6 +154% +160%20 8.7 12.6 +184% +210%

Blessed Hammer[edit]

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Holy Bolt
Synergies: The following skills boost the damage of each Blessed Hammer.

  • Blessed Aim: +14% Magic Damage Per Level
  • Vigor: +14% Magic Damage Per Level

Details: Blessed Hammer sends forth a spinning, magical hammer that spirals outward from the Paladin, making two or three orbits before vanishing. The hammers can deal enormous damage when boosted by auras and synergies.

  • The Concentration aura boosts the damage of the hammers (Might and Fanaticism do not), but only by 50% of Concentration's listed bonus.
  • This skill's power lies in its ability to strike multiple enemies at once, especially when numerous monsters are herded into an open area, where the hammers can really get circling.
  • Blessed Hammers no longer ignore the resistances of Undead and Demons after the v1.13 patch.
Dmg. to Undead: +150%
Skill Level Progression [e]
1 5.0 12-166 6.2 52-5611 7.5 98-10216 8.7 148-152
2 5.2 20-247 6.5 60-6412 7.7 108-11217 9.0 160-164
3 5.5 28-328 6.7 68-7213 8.0 118-12218 9.2 172-176
4 5.7 36-409 7.0 78-8214 8.2 128-13219 9.5 184-188
5 6.0 44-4810 7.2 88-9215 8.5 138-14220 9.7 196-200


Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Sacrifice, Zeal, Vengeance
Synergies: None.
Details: This skill acts as a mind control attack, 'converting' the monster to fight against other demons. For the duration of the effect, the monster will battle against its own kind, and be attacked by them. It can not be damaged by players during this time. This skill lets a paladin temporarily have a similar army like the Revive summoning Necromancer build.

  • SuperUniques and Bosses can not be converted, nor can other players in PVP games.
  • Experience is gained for kills made by converted monsters. Experience is not gained for converted monsters killed while under your influence.
  • A common technique is to convert a monster, then use the Thorns aura to make monsters kill themselves attacking it. This can be dangerous, since the aura will remain for a few seconds after the monster de-converts.
Duration:16 Seconds
Skill Level Progression [e]
SlvlConvert ChanceSlvlConvert ChanceSlvlConvert ChanceSlvlConvert Chance
1 7%6 27%11 35%16 40%
2 13%7 29%12 36%17 40%
3 18%8 31%13 37%18 41%
4 22%9 33%14 38%19 41%
5 25%10 34%15 39%20 42%

Holy Shield[edit]

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites:Smite, Holy Bolt, Charge, Blessed Hammer
Requires: A shield equipped.
Synergies:Defiance: +15% Defense Per Level
Details: Holy Shield provides a huge defensive bonus to the Paladin's entire defensive rating, greatly increases his odds to block attacks, and adds substantially to his Smite damage.

Skill Level Progression [e]
SlvlDur.DefenseBlockSmite Dmg.SlvlDur.DefenseBlockSmite Dmg.SlvlDur.DefenseBlockSmite Dmg.SlvlDur.DefenseBlockSmite Dmg.
1 30 +25% +14% 3-66 155 +100% +26% 13-1611 280 +175% +31% 26-2916 405 +250% +34% 41-44
2 55 +40% +18% 5-87 180 +115% +27% 15-1812 305 +190% +31% 29-3217 430 +265% +34% 45-48
3 80 +55% +20% 7-108 205 +130% +28% 17-2013 330 +205% +32% 32-3518 455 +280% +34% 49-52
4 105 +70% +23% 9-129 230 +145% +29% 20-2314 355 +220% +33% 35-3819 480 +295% +34% 53-56
5 130 +85% +25% 11-1410 255 +160% +30% 23-2615 380 +235% +33% 38-4120 505 +310% +35% 57-60

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Fist of the Heavens[edit]

Casting Delay: 1 Second
Required Level: 30
Prerequisites:Sacrifice, Holy Bolt, Zeal, Vengeance, Blessed Hammer, Conversion
Synergies: Damage is boosted by points in the following skills:

  • Holy Bolt: +15% Holy Bolt Damage Per Level
  • Holy Shock: +7% Lightning Damage Per Level

Details: Fist of Heavens calls down a bolt of lightning on the target, and sends out a spray of Holy Bolts. The lightning always hits, making this skill useful for evasive creatures or in PVP.

  • Holy Bolts only damage undead monsters.
Skill Level Progression [e]
SlvlLightning Dmg.Holy Bolt Dmg.SlvlLightning Dmg.Holy Bolt Dmg.SlvlLightning Dmg.Holy Bolt Dmg.SlvlLightning Dmg.Holy Bolt Dmg.
1 150-200 40-506 225-275 70-8011 345-395 112-12216 495-545 162-172
2 165-215 46-567 240-290 76-8612 375-425 122-13217 540-590 178-188
3 180-230 52-628 255-305 82-9213 405-455 132-14218 585-635 194-204
4 195-245 58-689 285-335 92-10214 435-485 142-15219 630-680 210-220
5 210-260 64-7410 315-365 102-11215 465-515 152-16220 675-725 226-236

Classes of the Diablo games - Skills[e]Diablo II:AmazonBarbNecroPaladinSorceressLoD:AssassinDruidOther:Diablo IDiablo III
The Amazon - Amazon Skills[e]
Bow and Crossbow SkillsJavelin and Spear SkillsPassive and Magic Skills

• Magic Arrow
• Fire Arrow
• Cold Arrow
• Multiple Shot
• Exploding Arrow

• Ice Arrow
• Guided Arrow
• Immolation Arrow
• Strafe
• Freezing Arrow

• Jab
• Power Strike
• Poison Javelin
• Impale
• Lightning Bolt

• Charged Strike
• Plague Javelin
• Fend
• Lightning Strike
• Lightning Fury

• Inner Sight
• Critical Strike
• Dodge
• Slow Missiles
• Avoid

• Penetrate
• Decoy
• Evade
• Valkyrie
• Pierce

The Barbarian - Barbarian Skills[e]
Combat Masteries SkillsCombat SkillsWarcry Skills

• Sword Mastery
• Axe Mastery
• Mace Mastery
• Polearm Mastery
• Throwing Mastery

• Spear Mastery
• Increased Stamina
• Iron Skin
• Increased Speed
• Natural Resistance

• Bash
• Leap
• Double Swing
• Stun
• Double Throw

• Leap Attack
• Concentrate
• Frenzy
• Whirlwind
• Berserk

• Howl
• Find Potion
• Taunt
• Shout
• Find Item

• Battle Cry
• Battle Orders
• Grim Ward
• War Cry
• Battle Command

The Necromancer - Necromancer Skills[e]
Curse SkillsPoison & Bones SkillsSummoning Skills

• Amplify Damage
• Dim Vision
• Weaken
• Iron Maiden
• Terror

• Confuse
• Life Tap
• Attract
• Decrepify
• Lower Resist

• Teeth
• Bone Armor
• Poison Dagger
• Corpse Explosion
• Bone Wall

• Poison Explosion
• Bone Spear
• Bone Prison
• Poison Nova
• Bone Spirit

• Raise Skeleton
• Skeleton Mastery
• Clay Golem
• Golem Mastery
• Raise Skeletal Mage

• Blood Golem
• Summon Resist
• Iron Golem
• Fire Golem
• Revive

The Paladin - Paladin Skills[e]
Combat SkillsDefensive AurasOffensive Auras

• Sacrifice
• Smite
• Holy Bolt
• Zeal
• Charge

• Vengeance
• Blessed Hammer
• Conversion
• Holy Shield
• Fist of the Heavens

• Prayer
• Resist Fire
• Resist Cold
• Resist Lightning
• Defiance

• Cleansing
• Vigor
• Meditation
• Redemption
• Salvation

• Might
• Holy Fire
• Thorns
• Blessed Aim
• Concentration

• Holy Freeze
• Holy Shock
• Sanctuary
• Fanaticism
• Conviction

The Sorceress - Sorceress Skills[e]
Cold SkillsFire SkillsLightning Skills

• Ice Bolt
• Frozen Armor
• Frost Nova
• Ice Blast
• Shiver Armor

• Glacial Spike
• Blizzard
• Chilling Armor
• Frozen Orb
• Cold Mastery

• Fire Bolt
• Warmth
• Inferno
• Blaze
• Fireball

• Fire Wall
• Enchant
• Meteor
• Fire Mastery
• Hydra

• Charged Bolt
• Telekinesis
• Static Field
• Lightning
• Nova

• Chain Lightning
• Teleport
• Thunder Storm
• Energy Shield
• Lightning Mastery

The Assassin - Assassin Skills[e]
Martial Arts SkillsShadow Disciplines SkillsTraps Skills

• Tiger Strike
• Dragon Talon
• Dragon Claw
• Fists of Fire
• Cobra Strike

• Dragon Tail
• Claws of Thunder
• Blades of Ice
• Dragon Flight
• Phoenix Strike

• Claw Mastery
• Psychic Hammer
• Burst of Speed
• Cloak of Shadows
• Weapon Block

• Fade
• Shadow Warrior
• Mind Blast
• Venom
• Shadow Master

• Fire Blast
• Shock Web
• Blade Sentinel
• Charged Bolt Sentry
• Wake of Fire

• Blade Fury
• Lightning Sentry
• Wake of Inferno
• Death Sentry
• Blade Shield

The Druid - Druid Skills[e]
Elemental SkillsShapeshifting SkillsSummoning Skills

• Firestorm
• Molten Boulder
• Arctic Blast
• Fissure
• Cyclone Armor

• Twister
• Volcano
• Tornado
• Hurricane
• Armageddon

• Werewolf
• Lycanthropy
• Werebear
• Maul
• Feral Rage

• Fire Claws
• Rabies
• Shock Wave
• Hunger
• Fury

• Raven
• Poison Creeper
• Oak Sage
• Summon Spirit Wolf
• Carrion Vine

• Heart of Wolverine
• Summon Dire Wolf
• Solar Creeper
• Spirit of Barbs
• Summon Grizzly

Diablo I - SpellsHellfire - Spells[e]
Rogue - Sorcerer - WarriorBarbarian - Bard - Monk

• Apocalypse
• Blood Star
• Bone Spirit
• Chain Lightning
• Charged Bolt
• Elemental
• Fireball

• Firebolt
• Fire Wall
• Flame Wave
• Flash
• Golem
• Guardian
• Healing

• Heal Other
• Holy Bolt
• Identify
• Inferno
• Infravision
• Lightning
• Mana Shield

• Nova
• Phasing
• Resurrect
• Stone Curse
• Telekinesis
• Teleport
• Town Portal

• Berserk
• Immolation
• Jester
• Lightning Wall
• Magi

• Mana
• Reflect
• Ring of Fire
• Search
• Warp

Diablo III Classes Diablo III Class Info [e]

Diablo III:
Demon Hunter
Witch Doctor

Other classes:
Archivist (April Fool's)
Dervish (rejected)
Fan-made classes

Skill info:
Active skills
Passive skills
Signature skills
Fan-made skills


Archetype sub-types:

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Diablo 3 Patch 2.5 Damage Monk Dmg Build Free