Archero Front Arrow Split Dmg

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Our Archero Abilities & Tier List guide features all of the available skills in the game! We've also put together a ranking system that shows which are generally the top choices to make when you are playing Archero.

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New abilities have been added to the game in the 1.3.6 Update!

Archero Abilities Tier List

Keep in mind that the tier list is a general look at ability strength across all of the chapters. Certain abilities vary in strength as you get further into the game. We used this as a reference for some help on creating our list. Later game skills have yet to be added to the list!


  • Ricochet
  • Multishot
  • Life +1
  • Front Arrow
  • Bouncy Arrow
  • Piercing (Don't pick if using Boomerang)
  • Wingman
  • Diagonal Arrows
  • Rage
  • Invincibility Star
  • Attack Boost
  • Blaze
  • Freeze


  • Side Arrows
  • Attack Speed Boost
  • Crit Master
  • HP Boost
  • Shield Guard
  • Bolt
  • Fire Strike
  • Frost Strike
  • Bloodthirst


  • Rear Arrow
  • Headshot
  • Spirit-Multishot
  • Spirit-Front Arrow
  • Poisoned Touch
  • Fire Circle
  • Frost Circle
  • Dodge Master


  • Spirit Crit Boost
  • Spirit Attack Boost
  • Spirit Attack Speed Boost
  • Spirit Diagonal Arrows
  • Poison Circle
  • Bolt Circle
  • Bolt Strike
  • Crit Aura
  • Speed Aura
  • HP Gain Aura
  • Dark Touch
  • Obsidian Circle


  • Holy Touch
  • Strong Heart
  • Frost Sword
  • Poison Swords
  • Bolt Swords
  • Fire Swords
  • Poison Strike
  • Attack Plus
  • Crit Plus
  • Speed Plus
  • HP Plus


  • Smart
  • Death Bomb
  • Death Nova

Archero Guides Coverage

Archero Abilities List

I'm including all of the official descriptions of each ability, and I'm also going to be trying to include a brief bit of extra information on each of the abilities. Some abilities aren't unlocked until after you complete certain chapters, so you might see some listed here that you haven't seen yet! If you have one of the official descriptions that I'm missing, please let me know in the comments.

Attack Boost

Now you can deal higher damage

Attack Plus

Room cleared without taking damage will increase your damage.

Attack Speed Boost

Now you can attack faster


Your attacks cause a flame attack.


Deals a fast damage over time effect.

Blazing Strike

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Restores HP when you kill enemies!

It's a very small amount of health, and is much worse later in the game.

How to decipher dmg and rpm in division 2 1 I tried that but apparently there is no unequip option for gear??So i was thinking to start a new char, quickly farm some gear an stash the starter gear to equip on my main.Not sure that is even possibleI was also thinking to do the math myself but i'm assuming that all weapons and AR damage are calculated separately from the base weapon damage. You could take off all the gear that add damage buffs Yeah buts thats a bit of a hassle.I would think just to stats and substract the weapons and ar bonus? And i'm no mathematician so to reverse calculate that seems impossible.In any case its a lot of hassle just to do some comparison between weapons.


Your attacks cause Lightning effect

If enemies are close by the one you hit, it will deal lightning damage to them.

Bolt Circle

Two lightning orbs circle around you

Similar to Bolt, but two orbs circle around you and they deal lightning damage to enemies that are hit by the orbs.

Bolt Meteor

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Bolt Star

Summon a bolt star to attack enemies

Bolt Strike

Summon a Lightning Sword to attack enemies

A sword will slowly manifest in front of you and attack the enemy you are targeting.

Bolt Swords

Summons 2 bolt swords to spin around you

Same deal with most Bolt items, the swords deal damage on hit and will spread lightning damage to close by enemies.

Bouncy Wall

Arrows bounce against walls

This works with all of your weapons, if you have piercing, the weapon will travel through the enemy and bounce of the wall and come back.

Chilling Blast

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Crit Aura

Increased critical chance once in a while.

Crit Master

Critical chance and critical strike damage increased!

Crit Plus

Room cleared without taking damage will increase your critical damage.

Dark Touch

Place a 1s time bomb on struck target, explodes dealing 90% of modified damage (atk boosts) in an aoe of around.

Death Bomb

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Enemies when killed explode, dealing damage to nearby enemies. This is a pretty small radius, so it's hard to hit them with it.

Death Nova

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Enemies when killed will fire out projectiles from their body and deal damage to enemies who are struck by them.

Diagonal Arrows

There's no real description for this, but it fires two additional projectiles to your left and right diagonal. This is based on your weapon, it doesn't only fire arrows.

Dodge Master

Need description

Fire Circle

Two flame orbs circle around you

Similar to Blaze, but two orbs circle around you and they deal fire damage to enemies hit by it.

Fire Strike

Summon a Fire Sword to attack enemies

A sword will slowly manifest in front of you and attack the enemy you are targeting.

Fire Swords

Summons 2 fire swords to spin around you

Same deal with most fire items, the swords deal fire damage on hit.

Flame Meteor

Summon a flame meteor to attack enemies

Flame Star

Summon a flame star to attack enemies


Lower the HP, easier to dodge enemy attacks


Slows enemies down

Will slow an enemy on hit potentially, or freeze them in place for a short period.

Front Arrow

Arrow fired forward + 1

This will fire an additional projectile alongside the projectile you fire forward. You can have multiple of these stacked, so you'd fire however many you have total each shot.

Frost Meteor

Summon a frost meteor to attack enemies

Frost Star

Summon a frost star to attack enemies

Frost Strike

Summon a Frost Sword to attack enemies

A sword will slowly manifest in front of you and attack the enemy you are targeting.


Need description


Small chance to kill mobs instantly

This is pretty random, you'll see it pop up when a monster is killed by it.

Holy Touch

Your attacks cause Holy effect

Whenever you hit an enemy, two small projectiles shoot out horizontally from the enemy that will deal damage to other enemies.

HP Boost

Max HP increased!

Gives you a boost to your health, and also technically heals you a bit. If you get this at an Angel, it's usually better to take this rather than heal because you get a maximum HP increase as well as some more health.

HP Gain Aura

Increased health once in a while.

HP Plus

Room cleared without taking damage will increase your health.

Ice Circle

Two ice orbs circle around you

Ice Swords

Summons 2 ice swords to spin around you

Invincibility Star

Becomes invincible for 2 sec once a while

Life +1

You gain an extra life for your adventure


Fires an additional time rapidly

Great ability, fires another projectile immediately after your first shot.

Obsidian Circle

Places a 1 second Time Bomb on the target which will deal AOE damage.

Piercing Shot

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If you are using the Boomerang (Tornado), then this is not worth taking at all. That weapon has a built in Piercing ability on it.

Poison Circle

Two poison orbs circle around you

Poisoned Touch

Your attack cause Poison effect


Your attacks deal more damage at low HP

Rear Arrow

Arrow fired backward +1

Fires a projectile directly behind you. Best when combined with Bouncy Wall.


Your arrows jump between monsters

When you hit a monster with one of your projectiles, it will attempt to jump from that monster to another monster nearby. This ability is regarded as one of the best.

Shadow Bat

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Same as clones except they can move and shoot lasers that can penetrate through walls.

Shadow Clone

Need description

Chance to summon a basic archer in place of the enemy you killed. Does not move has basic attack.

Shield Guard

A shield circles around you

Side Arrows

Need description

Slow Projectile

Slow projectile


Gain xp much faster

Increases the speed in which you level up. Probably not super useful, because you'll usually max out before finishing the chapter.

Speed Aura

Increased attack speed once in a while.

Speed Plus

Room cleared without taking damage will increase your attack speed.

Spirit Abilities

Spirit abilities are buffs to your Pets. Each one of them does the exact same thing it does for your character, but for your Pet instead.

  • Spirit-Attack Boost
  • Spirit-Aspd Boost
  • Spirit-Crit Boost
  • Spirit-Blaze
  • Spirit-Freeze
  • Spirit-Front Arrow
  • Spirit-Multishot
  • Spirit-Poisoned Touch

Strong Heart

You are healed for more HP than before

Summon One-eyed Bat

Need description

Toxic Meteor

Summon a toxic meteor to attack enemies

Toxic Star

Summon a toxic star to attack enemies

Toxic Strike

Summon a Toxic Sword to attack enemies

Toxic Swords

Summons 2 toxic swords to spin around you


Your spirit can block projectiles for you

By 'spirit' the game means your Pets. You can have two Pets equipped, and they will block projectiles that are looking to deal damage to you.

So you want to know what the best weapons and gear are in Archero? You’ve come to the right place but before we begin, I’ll be going through in order by weakest to the strongest of weapons.

We’ll talk about their pros and cons and any pairings worth mentioning and conclusion with tips.

So first let’s get through the worse and the best weapons of Archero but before we begin I’d like to add that all weapons are great in a way depending on what you’re after.

All weapons are viable and strong with the right skills is the true deciding factor in DPS. With that said, weapons do have their own perks and situational advantages.

  • These will all be based on stats and numbers also taken account of their epic effects.
  • These stats are running from the legendary level 60 weapon values.
  • These stats include a 15% critical chance and 100% critical damage applied.

Just a quick little glossary for you so you can follow and understand completely.

  • Base damage refers to your damage on the equipment screen modified by your weapon’s modifier.
  • DPS is short for damage per second calculated by weapon damage times damage multiplier times attack speed times the results of one-plus crit chance times crit damage.

I know if you hate math don’t worry. We already calculated this for you. Let’s start with the worst weapon in terms of value.

The Brave Bow

Coming at the bottom of the Tier list is the brave Bow. Now the bow is what everyone begins with when starting out in Archero.

Brave Bow Stats
Attack Speed1.73
Base Damage1,349
DPS Value2,859
Epic Stat+50% Crit Dmg
Rare Stat+5% Damage
SynergiesAttack Power & Critical Mastery Headshot & Attack Speed

Brave Bow Pros

The pros of the Brave Bow is that it’s a great all-rounder. It reloads fast as a tornado weapon and its projectiles travel fast as a bladed weapon.

The epic crit passive gives it a scythe headshot feel to it. Of course, not as effective. The Wolf Ring complements the bow well because of its extra crit damage.

Brave Bow Cons

Now the cons of the brave bow are that it’s overshadowed by the other weapons. Bow requires the wolf rings to catch up and output the same DPS as the other three weapons need good skill RNG. The crit major skill is currently glitched if the devs decide to fix this then this skill would greatly assist the bow.

The bow requires good skill RNG on most chapters and near-perfect skill RNG on chapters 10 and 11.

Wolf rings are not recommended in Chapter 7+ as they only increase damage versus melee units. Which puts the bow a disadvantage.

The Saw Blade

Now coming up in second place on this tier list is the Saw Blade. This blade doesn’t have the best rep.

Saw Blade Stats
Attack Speed2.6
Base Damage1,079
DPS Value3,227
Epic StatIncreases your Attack Speed (by ~15%) for 3 seconds after entering a room.
Rare Stat+5% Damage
SynergiesHeadshot Front Arrows (1st Pickup) & Attack Speed Attack Power & Critical Mastery

Popular opinion is that it’s the weakest weapon in the game. That’s actually not true. According to the stats, the blade is the second strongest starting weapon.

Saw Blade Pros

The pros of the blade this weapon gives you strong mobility. This is great because there are so many levels and boss fights when you’re constantly attacking and moving. It has the best feeling and reaction time due to its natural quickness each shot will successfully connect more often with moving targets. This results in higher DPS.

Blade starts out strong in the first couple of levels. A common blade deals slightly more DPS than a Brave Bow. This weapon works nicely with lightning arrows. With multi-shot, this weapon becomes second-best in the knock-back Department.

Extra strong during early chapters and extra strong in chapter 9 when mobility is key. Saw Blade is good in Chapters 3, 5, and 8 with multi-shot and it is strong in chapter 9.

Saw Blade Cons

Now the cons for Saw blade is it may need ricochet or balance and pierce with bonus arrow skills for Splash Damage.

It’s not the best in Shoot once and dodges scenarios. That’s because of its rapid-fire. The rapid-fire of the blade is its main DPS which you can’t really do if you’re dodging constantly. This weapon requires excellent RNG for chapters 10 and 11.

The Tornado

Now coming in 3rd is the Tornado. Nearly everyone says that this weapon is overpowered and for a good reason.

It has a built-in pierce and has return damage since it acts like a boomerang.

Tornado Stats
Attack Speed1.73
Base Damage1,673
DPS Value3,328
Epic StatCauses more damage when returning to player
Rare Stat+5% Damage
SynergiesAttack Power & Critical Mastery Headshot Diagonal Arrows & Multishot

Tornado Pros

Now the Pro’s of Tornado is that it’s the king of boss fights. Greatest strength is giving players more skill options due to its built-in pierce and return damage which is considered as top-tier passives. This means you can pick up two extra abilities basically.

It has a higher success rate of completing a chapter.

A common tornado is slightly stronger than the great bow and a great tornado is slightly stronger than the rare bow.

This weapon sounds strong in dealing with swarms. Strong in chapter 7 which in my opinion is the first extremely hard chapter after beating the previous chapters. Because chapter 7 is just filled with bosses, this weapon the king of bosses is pretty darn great.

Tornado Cons

It’s good to note that the popular ability ricochet skews with the trajectory of the tornado. This is because the ability reduces the damage of later. The initial hit is not very high in Tornado because it applies twice.

However, by using ricochet you will cut this damage by half. Ricochet deals less damage to the next targets it hits which means the next target will most likely get hit for very little damage.

As the tornado has a built-in piercing modifier ricochet would cancel this out by jumping to the next target.

The bouncy wall is also an ability that reduces the damage of Tornado as it may bounce in a different direction and therefore not apply the return damage to the same target.

There is no knockback at all on tornado which means it’s quite challenging when fighting melee monsters.

This weapon requires good skill RNG for chapters 5, 8, 10, and 11 to make up the lack of knock-back.

The Death Scythe

Coming in at the strongest weapon of Archero is The Death Scythe. Death Scythe has the highest base damage to compensate for the lowest attack speed.

Archero Front Arrow Split Dmg Download

Death Scythe Stats
Attack Speed1.43
Base Damage1,956
DPS Value3,217
Epic Stat50% chance to kill enemies with less than 30% HP
Rare Stat+5% Damage
SynergiesAttack Speed Attack Power & Critical Mastery Ricochet Multishot

Its knockback effect and epic ability headshot are unrivaled.

Death Scythe Pros

The pros of this weapon are that it has the best passive and has the strongest knockback.

Deals a lot of base damage no other weapon can reproduce fast stage clearing speeds. Scythe is strong on almost all chapters and extra strong in chapters 3, 5, and 8. Strongest endgame weapon and it’s amazing in chapters 10 and 11.

Death Scythe Cons

Death scythe has the slowest attack speed the knock-back can sometimes push enemies projectiles to hit you. If you know what I mean, this happens by repositioning an enemy that’s ready to hit you. This doesn’t happen all the time but it can happen. It is highly recommended to stutter step which is when you tap the screen or move slightly between attacks to reset the attack animation. This will result in a significant DPS boost.

This weapon is not ideal in stages or bosses what the play is under constant attack or projectiles is flooding the screen.

When trying to avoid damage, Scythe does not have enough time to follow through an attack animation. This results in forfeiting some DPS.

The death scythe is weaker in chapter 9 and speaking about endgame serpent rings are the staple and game accessory for their dodge perks and bonus damage against ranged monsters and bosses.

Archero Weapon Tips

Now for some conclusion and tips. All weapons are great in their own way. Each coming into their own spotlight depending on the situation.

The weapon type is always secondary to the skills you RNG which means one good or bad skill can change the tempo of your run.

The difficulty of the game is first determined by weapon level to equipment levels to your RNG skills and then muscle memory and your reaction speed.

The correct skill combination is more important than anything else for overcoming a chapter.

There are some stages where you won’t be able to beat it without the wingman ability or the shield guard ability.

There will be certain bosses you wouldn’t be able to beat without buying a 30 gem continue which is only recommended only for bosses in chapter 7+. I know not everyone buys gems and I’m also someone who just relies on the free gem rolls mostly.

So if you want you can save up the gems that you got for free from watching ads for gem revives. But use them very carefully, don’t use them for bosses that you know you can beat with time.

If I do use a gem revive I usually keep it for the end boss. But only if that boss is very hard, there are some mini-bosses that are actually harder than the end boss.

Archero Front Arrow Split Dmg 2017

Related: Archero Gems Guide

Dodge master and invincibility ability are useful after you’ve picked up your top tier DPS skills. Sometimes even better than taking the HP boost.

Stutter stepping is equally effective on all weapons except for blade and should be utilized until your second attack speed major ability.

3 Things To Remember

Archero Front Arrow Split Dmg File

  1. The most important tip is to RNG the right skills
  2. If your gear rarity or levels are too low keep farming the highest chapter you’re at or the one below it to raise your item level.
  3. If you’re still struggling with the right gear and the right RNG skills, this means you haven’t developed the muscle memory required to predict and dodge the enemies specific to your chapter. With enough repetition, you’ll eventually get the patterns down. Even if it seems impossible at first.

Archero Front Arrow Split Dmg 2017

If you find this Archero weapons guide helpful please leave any of your own tips, questions, or suggestions for future Archero guides in the comments down below.