Ring Of Mind Shielding Uncommon Dmg 191

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Ring Of Mind Shielding Uncommon Dmg 191 Rating: 7,2/10 7805 reviews
  1. Adamantine Armor Armor Uncommon medium or heavy, but not hide dmg 150
  2. Mithral Armor Armor Uncommon medium or heavy, but not hide dmg 182
  3. Shield, +1 Armor Uncommon shield dmg 200
  4. Philter of Love Potion Uncommon dmg 184
  5. Potion of Animal Friendship Potion Uncommon dmg 187
  6. Potion of Greater Healing Potion Uncommon dmg 187
  7. Potion of Hill Giant Strength Potion Uncommon dmg 187
  8. Potion of Resistance Potion Uncommon dmg 188
  9. Ring of Jumping Ring Uncommon yes dmg 191
  10. Ring of Swimming Ring Uncommon dmg 193
  11. Ring of Water Walking Ring Uncommon dmg 193
  12. Rod of the Pact Keeper, +1 Rod Uncommon yes warlock dmg 197
  13. Spell Scroll, 3rd Level Scroll Uncommon dmg 200
  14. Staff of the Adder Staff Uncommon yes cleric, druid, or warlock dmg 203
  15. Staff of the Python Staff Uncommon yes cleric, druid, or warlock dmg 204
  16. Wand of Magic Missiles Wand Uncommon dmg 211
  17. Wand of Web Wand Uncommon yes spellcaster dmg 212
  18. Wand of the War Mage, +1 Wand Uncommon yes spellcaster dmg 212
  19. Ammunition, +1 Weapon Uncommon any ammunition dmg 150
  20. Javelin of Lightning Weapon Uncommon javelin dmg 178
  21. Sword of Vengeance Weapon Uncommon yes any sword dmg 206
  22. Trident of Fish Command Weapon Uncommon yes trident dmg 209
  23. Weapon, +1 Weapon Uncommon dmg 213
  24. Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 150
  25. Bag of Tricks Wondrous Item Uncommon dmg 154
  26. Boots of Striding and Springing Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 156
  27. Boots of the Winterlands Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 156
  28. Bracers of Archery Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 156
  29. Brooch of Shielding Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 156
  30. Cap of Water Breathing Wondrous Item Uncommon dmg 157
  31. Circlet of Blasting Wondrous Item Uncommon dmg 158
  32. Cloak of Elvenkind Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 158
  33. Cloak of Protection Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 159
  34. Cloak of the Manta Ray Wondrous Item Uncommon dmg 159
  35. Decanter of Endless Water Wondrous Item Uncommon dmg 161
  36. Driftglobe Wondrous Item Uncommon dmg 166
  37. Dust of Disappearance Wondrous Item Uncommon dmg 166
  38. Dust of Sneezing and Choking Wondrous Item Uncommon dmg 166
  39. Eversmoking Bottle Wondrous Item Uncommon dmg 168
  40. Eyes of Charming Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 168
  41. Eyes of Minute Seeing Wondrous Item Uncommon dmg 168
  42. Eyes of the Eagle Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 168
  43. Figurine of Wondrous Power, Silver Raven Wondrous Item Uncommon dmg 170
  44. Gauntlets of Ogre Power Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 171
  45. Gloves of Missile Snaring Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 172
  46. Gloves of Swimming and Climbing Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 172
  47. Goggles of Night Wondrous Item Uncommon dmg 172
  48. Hat of Disguise Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 173
  49. Headband of Intellect Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 173
  50. Helm of Comprehending Languages Wondrous Item Uncommon dmg 173
  51. Helm of Telepathy Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 174
  52. Instrument of the Bards, Doss Lute Wondrous Item Uncommon yes bard dmg 176
  53. Instrument of the Bards, Fochlucan Bandore Wondrous Item Uncommon yes bard dmg 176
  54. Instrument of the Bards, Mac-Fuirmidh Cittern Wondrous Item Uncommon yes bard dmg 176
  55. Keoghtom's Ointment Wondrous Item Uncommon dmg 179
  56. Lantern of Revealing Wondrous Item Uncommon dmg 179
  57. Medallion of Thoughts Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 181
  58. Necklace of Adaptation Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 182
  59. Pearl of Power Wondrous Item Uncommon yes spellcaster dmg 184
  60. Periapt of Wound Closure Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 184
  61. Pipes of the Sewers Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 185
  62. Robe of Useful Items Wondrous Item Uncommon dmg 195
  63. Saddle of the Cavalier Wondrous Item Uncommon dmg 199
  64. Slippers of Spider Climbing Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 200
  65. Stone of Good Luck Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 205
  66. Winged Boots Wondrous Item Uncommon yes dmg 214
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  1. So, the Ring of Mind Shielding. Shields Your Mind okay, what I expected. Can turn invisible that's a neat bonus I guess. Oh, and when you die your soul is stored and you become a sentient ring who can bother the next wearer forever wait whaaaaaaat? I just gave out one of these before I read the full description and was pretty startled and amused to see the third ability.
  2. The ring could have a really large variety of effects, the ones that are considered 'uncommon' in the dmg are probably the most likely options, although it could always be something Matt homebrewed. The uncommon rings from the dmg are: ring of jumping, ring of mind shielding, ring of swimming, ring of warmth, and the ring of water walking.

Aura faint transmutation; CL 2th; Slot ring; Price 2,500 gp; Weight


This ring continually allows the wearer to leap about, providing a +5 competence bonus on all his Acrobatics checks made to make high or long jumps.

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Ring Of Mind Shielding Uncommon Dmg 1917

Forge Ring; Special creator must have 5 ranks in the Acrobatics skill; Cost 1,250 gp

Ring Of Mind Shielding Uncommon Dmg 1911

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.