Precents Lightning Dmg Diablo 3

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Precents Lightning Dmg Diablo 3 Rating: 7,4/10 6604 reviews

Boosting a character got a lot easier in Diablo III since the introduction of Paragon levels and Seasons, and it always was quick playing as a level 1 character in an otherwise max level party of. Jun 26, 2012  Diablo 3 Player Count Drops Big Time, Consumers Are Fed Up By. 2012 8:44 AM. New chart stats from Xfire show that there's a massive dropoff in. Yes but the point is it could be 2k cold, fire, lightning w/e, the element makes no difference, it's the number range that matters. These guys had primal weapons and rerolled already max ranges just to get the cold element for their build (pestilence necro + helltooth garg both use cold runes) effectively losing a lot of dmg potential by not rolling a different more useful stat.

by threedaysjpt - 5 years ago show comments

Welcome to the Horadrim Corner! Come gather by the fire and talk about the builds you all want to see! Let the ancient knowledge of the Horadrim assist your quest for greatness as you slaughter the demons that stand in your way. For all that is good, build yourself into a warrior worthy of Pandemonium!

Hello and welcome to the first edition of Horadrim Corner. I am Threedaysjpt, here to show off weekly builds to help get you started in your Diablo grind.

For this first build, we shall be looking at my personal favorite, the Monk, and the revamped Raiment of a Thousand Storms set. In this particular version, we will be playing off of the “Thousand Storms” name and focusing the build around lightning, literally creating one thousand storms. Although this might be the style used here, most any element can be used to modify the build to your liking.

As many are aware of, this overhauled set has made use of Dashing Strike to create a very mobile and high burst potential build. Also, as this set creates such high power on its own, this allows for a lot of flexibility within gearing, especially since it does not require the use of the infamous Ring of Royal Grandeur. Without further ado, here it is:


Fists of Thunder – Static Charge: The base generator of the build. This helps create necessary Spirit. This also gives a small dash when you attack, allowing you to close the gap between mobs or to dash your way out of the center of the battle in a pinch.
Dashing Strike – Quicksilver: With 12,500% damage and a cost of 75 Spirit, this will be your main damage dealer. Using the Quicksilver rune, you get 3 charges instead of two, giving you a little extra usage when you are out of Spirit.
Serenity – Ascension: Your immunity skill. This is used to get you out of the worst dangers, whether it be from elite affixes or being out of position. This is a must for Hardcore players.
Sweeping Wind – Cyclone: Gives yourself extra area-of-effect (AOE) and consistent damage to balance out the burst from Dashing Strike. Also occasionally lets out small “storms”, adding to your damage and helping to create the Thousand Storms aesthetic.
Mystic Ally – Air Ally: Using this allows extra Spirit generation, along with an instant 100 Spirit on activation to keep your Dashing Strike moving.
Mantra of Salvation – Divine Protection: More Spirit generation and a large boost in survivability. This may be switched out with the other mantras depending on your gear and party/personal needs.


Near Death Experience: The Monk’s cheat death. This is necessary for any Hardcore player.
Harmony: Gives a large boost in elemental resistance.
Mystic Rhythm: With the Raiment set, your Spirit generators are incredibly powerful. Combo together with Dashing Strike for extreme damage.
Momentum: Through dashing and attacking, this will give you a 20% damage boost near permanently.

Stats Preferences

Dexterity > Lightning damage > Critical > All Resistance > Life Per Second > Dashing Strike damage > Increased Attack Speed > Spirit Generation/Mitigation > Armor

High Critical Hit chance and damage will create more storms from Sweeping Wind along with high burst from Dashing Strike. Attack Speed will make Spirit faster, allowing for more use of your spender.


Raiment of a Thousand Storms: The main set; using all six pieces allows for better ring combinations.
Spirit Guards: A practically permanent 30% damage reduction? Say hell yes, Hardcore.
Thundergod’s Vigor: Boost to Lightning damage and giving you the Electrified affix, this is an excellent way to increase your damage.
Focus/Restraint or Unity/Stone of Jordan: With the new Focus and Restraint set bonus, this will often give a large damage boost. For solo play, the classic combination will give you the survivability and damage you need.

There are a huge number of weapons at your disposal, allowing for a lot of flexibility and also making gearing up easier. Here are a few of the best options.

Odyn Son: Increased Lightning damage and a chance of Chain Lightning on hit.
Sun Keeper: Increased Elite damage; a little mini furnace.
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker: AOE Lightning effect and crowd control your enemies.
Schaefer’s Hammer: Increased Lightning damage and a strong AOE effect.
The Furnace: Classic weapon for any build

Each week, we will be featuring a different build for a different class, rotating through to spread the love around. If you have a cool build that you are using and would like to share with the community, send it over to me @threedaysjptBP on Twitter. Send me pictures, notes, items, skills, everything!

posted in MonkTags: build, Builds, Horadrim Corner, Monk

Class build guides will take care of very specific stats to acquire on gear, but I feel it’s important as a Diablo 3 player to understand why we pick the stats we do. Players should be able to experiment with different builds by generally knowing how to support those builds with their gear without needing a precise gearing manual or spreadsheet at hand.

Increased Damage: Elemental, Skills, Weapon

Elemental percent is what we mean by those amulets and bracers that have a stat line about “[Element] skills deal X% more damage,” with [element] being one of Diablo 3’s elemental schools of damage: Arcane, Cold, Fire, Holy, Lightning, Poison, or Physical. The abbreviations for this stat vary, from the general “ele %” to the specific “lightning %” for a particular class build. Most class skill builds are built around one main elemental school in order to take advantage of this stat. If a class build has skills in two or more different elemental schools, then the school of whatever skill is the biggest damage source is what elemental school you’ll aim for in elemental percent damage.

Skill damage is also not set in Diablo 3. Ability damage in WoW is often set by a certain percentage of spell power or attack power and then some modifiers. Skill damage in Diablo 3 can be increased by gear through stat lines like “Increases [skill] Damage by X% ([Class] Only).” Otherwise, skill damage is at its core based as dealing some multiple percentage of your weapon damage.

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Weapon damage is a tad confusing and illustrates one problem with Diablo 3’s conflict of UI and gearing vision. One of the goals of Diablo 3 was to get away from all the spread-sheeting that comes with WoW’s theory crafting territory and to provide simple conclusions of whether an item is an upgrade or not. Unfortunately, tooltips lie. This isn’t to say that they tell untruths in Diablo 3, it’s more that they don’t tell you the whole truth about what’s being factored into a number. And in weapon damage’s case, sometimes they highlight the wrong number to look at.

The visibly big number on weapon tooltips is the weapon DPS number, and the game gets it by taking the average of the base weapon damage range listed below it and multiplying by the base attack speed listed on the weapon. Already you can see that this does not take into account the increased elemental damage that can appear on the weapon or other gear nor does it take into account increased attack speed from Paragon points or gear. What you should instead focus on with weapon damage are two things: the range of weapon damage (low and high damage) and your desired attack speed (slow or fast).

Attack Speed versus Cooldown or Resource Reductions

There are two very general styles of skill builds. One style values increased attack speed (IAS or AS or AttS) because it focuses on hitting things very often all the time. Pet builds tend to value increased attack speed, as it passively buffs the various pets and guardians you can have out hitting things for you. Dual-wield builds also often value attack speed since each weapon hits for less than what a slow two-hander would do.

The other general style of build is a resource-based skill build, where attack speed doesn’t matter so much because of cooldowns and abilities that don’t stack. These builds are often wielding slow two-handed weapons that hit hard when they do hit and focus on stats like cooldown reduction (CDR) and resource cost reduction (RCR). Sometimes the two stats are both priorities for the build; sometimes only one stat is desirable and the other doesn’t do much for the build. Cooldown reduction is found as a stat on items, but often the biggest chunk of CDR is found by socketing a big diamond into your helm. Resource cost reduction is only found as a stat on gear pieces rather than as a socketable addition.

Cooldown reduction helps when your build is heavily focused on crowd control (CC) or abilities with cooldowns that buff your damage. For example, Spirit Walk is arguably the most important Witch Doctor skill, despite being a defensive cooldown rather than an offensive ability. Spirit Walk has a 12-second base cooldown, but if my Doctor could grab 25% CDR, that Spirit Walk now only has a 9.6 sec cooldown.

Resource cost reduction helps when your build is heavily focused on abilities that hit hard but rather than having a long cooldown, they have instead a large resource cost. A Wizard who casts Meteor as a main damage ability can spam it only so long as she has 40 Arcane Power to spend. A 25% RCR would mean she only has to spend 32 Arcane Power to cast a Meteor.

Critical Hit Damage and Chance

Critical hit chance (CHC) is something familiar: It’s the chance your damage is going to crit. The critical hit damage (CHD) in WoW is a fixed number — twice what the original hit was. In Diablo 3, you can control how much harder your critical strikes hit for by increasing the CHD stat on your gear. Base critical hit damage is +50.00% and base critical hit chance is 5.00%.

CHD and CHC go together. That is, stacking CHC doesn’t do you much good if your CHD is also low — and vice versa, a ton of extra critical damage doesn’t help much if you rarely crit. The eyeballing-it rule about CHD and CHC is that your CHD should be about 4-5 times your CHC.

An example: my current CHC is low at 27.70% (or my CHD is too high), because my CHD is 207.00%, or about 7 times my chance. The green gem I have socketed into my weapon is a huge source of critical hit damage — a whopping +125.00%. My problem is largely because I want to socket a needed legendary gem, but my current amulet with a socket is otherwise inferior in stat allocation because it doesn’t have my preferred trifecta with some juicy CHC.

A trifecta is the perfect set of three stats sought out for on a piece of gear, with the extra stat usually being the primary stat for your class (Strength, Dexterity, or Intellect) or a guaranteed item stat like bonus weapon damage. Often you’ll see trifectas composed of CHC, CHD, and then another stat we’ve already mentioned, like IAS, ele %, CDR, or RCR.

Movement speed

Movement speed helps you defensively so you can move out of floor fire and bad missiles more quickly. It helps you offensively as well, because you can keep up buffs that depend on hitting mobs while you are moving more continuously, mob pack to mob pack, with less downtime in between. It also helps you in pure time efficiency because you can travel across the map more quickly.

Movement speed (move %) is often mentioned only once or not mentioned at all in skill build guides, because it’s often assumed you’re working to maximize it. The tooltip spells it out: The maximum movement speed increase you can have from gear and Paragon points is 25.00%. You can get all 25.00% from devoting 50 of your Core-category Paragon points into movement speed, but that assumes you have accrued at least 197 Paragon levels (50 + 49 + 49 + 49). Usually, you get this stat from your boots, and then you fill the remaining difference from 25% with Paragon points.

Survival of the fittest

Percents Lightning Dmg Diablo 3 2

Dishing out the damage is what most players will focus on, but surviving the damage done by monsters is just as important — especially when playing hardcore or solo! I should be discussing ten important gear stats in Diablo 3, not nine, but that tenth item isn’t just one stat. Defensive abilities, armor, resistances, vitality, percent life, and the three Life-per stats all factor into being able to take hits or heal back hits. So we’ll talk later in more detail on the myriad ways to survive adventuring in Hell.

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Percents Lightning Dmg Diablo 3 Download

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