Macos Appium Install Dmg Vs Npm

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Dmg window popped up while browsing. Dec 13, 2019  While Windows devices use.exe files in order to “execute” an action, Mac OS has its own special file types that allow it to perform all sorts of tasks. For example, a.pkg file can be installed to your MacBook or iMac, while a.dmg file allows you to clone existing drives in order to move information and other content around between machines.

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  1. Macos Appium Install Dmg Vs Npm Error
  2. Macos Appium Install Dmg Vs Npm Pro
  3. Appium Install Windows
  4. Install Dmg File
  5. Macos Appium Install Dmg Vs Npm 2

Macos Appium Install Dmg Vs Npm Error

Question by Guest 07/04/2013 at 15:36

So, a DMG is something like a ZIP file. When opening, a DMG is mounted to the system as if it is a CD or an USB drive. The actual application is in the DMG and can be started, copied or installed from there. For example, if there is an APP file in the DMG, you can move it. Jul 11, 2017  Please leave a comment if you have any questions and don't forget to like my videos & subscribe to my channel.

I am using my Mac for only a little time. So, I have not yet figured out the difference between APP and DMG files.

When downloading programs from the internet, the applications are offered either as APP or as DMG. But what is the exact difference?


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Install Xcode or Upgrade to 8.3.3

  • Goto the Mac Appstore and search for Xcode and click the Get button.
  • After installation, install the Commandline Tools.
  • Open a terminal and run $ xcode-select --install

Install Homebrew

  • Open a terminal and run $ /usr/bin/ruby -e '$(curl -fsSL'
  • See additional install instructions here for further details.
  • Test install by running $ brew --version. You should see something like Homebrew 1.3.2.

Appium Install Windows

Install Carthage

  • Open a terminal and run $ brew install carthage
    • This is a dependency check for appium-doctor but not really needed for Android. Install it anyway as you may do iOS automation in the future.
Appium setup for windows

Install JAVA

  • Open a terminal and check java version: $ java -version
    • If the version is less than 1.8 or the command is not recognized you need to install java.
    • If the version is 1.8 or greater then go to Ruby install.
  • Go here
  • Download and install jdk-8u144-macosx-x64.dmg
  • Open Downloads folder and double click the DMG file.
  • Double click the JDK 8 install icon.
  • Click the Continue button.
  • Click the Install button.
  • Enter your password to install software on your system.

Install Ruby

*** DO NOT use the default system OSX Ruby. Install a newer version with a Ruby package manager RVM (below instructions) or RBENV.

  • Open a terminal and check ruby version: $ ruby -v
    • If the version is less than 2.3 or the command is not recognized you need to install ruby.
    • run $ curl -sSL bash -s stable --ruby in terminal. This will install RVM (Ruby Version Manager) and install the latest Ruby version.
    • Run $ rvm list and see which ruby version was installed. Note the version number for next step.
    • Run rvm --default use 2.4.0 to set the version as default. e.g. 2.4.0 instead of 2.x.x..

Install Node (We need this for parallelization)

  • Open a terminal and run $ brew install node.
  • Test install by running $ npm --version. Verify version 5.3.X or greater is returned.
  • Test Node is installed by running $ node -v. Verify version 8.5.X or greater is returned.

Install Android Studio

  • Click here to download.
  • Open downloads folder and double click the Android Studio DMG file.
  • Drag and drop the Android Studio icon over to Applications folder. Close the install dialog.
  • Open Finder and goto Applications folder. Double click Android Studio.
  • Select 'I do not have a previous version of studio or I do not want to import my settings' and click OK button.
  • Click Next.
  • Select Standard Installation and click the Next button.
  • Click the Finish button.
  • Enter password to allow HAXM to make changes to your system. HAXM is very import for emulator perforamce.
  • Click the Finish button.

Install Android 6.0 SDK 23

  • Click the Configure button. It's on the lower right side of the Android Studio welcome dialog.
  • Click SDK Manager in the configuration dropdown.
  • Select Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) SDK.
    • Why Android 6.0? It's the most common SDK version used throughout the world and is a good starting point until you get more comfortable with mobile automation. See here!
  • Click the 'Show Package Details' checkbox on lower right.
  • Check the following SDK dependencies to install:
    • Android SDK Platform 23
    • Sources for Android 23
    • Intel x86 Atom System Image.
    • Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image.
    • Google API's Intel x86 Atom System Image
    • Google API's Intel X86 Atom_64 System Image
  • Click the Apply button.
  • On the next screen click the Accept radio button.
  • *** Take note of your SDK Path! It's at the top of the Component Installer dialog. e.g SDK Path: /Users/YourUser/Library/Android/sdk
  • Click the Next button to start the installation of SDK 23 dependencies. This will take a whie to complete..
  • When everything has completed downloading, click the Finish button.
  • Click the OK button to close the Component Installer dialog.
  • Close Android Studio

Add Environment Variables

  • Determine which shell you use. Open a terminal and run $ echo $SHELL.
  • Based on your shell, you need to edit your profile. e.g. $ vi ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile or ~/.zshrc.
  • Add the following variables.
    • export ANDROID_HOME=//Users/YourUser/Library/Android/sdk
    • export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
    • Add the Android sdk paths to your existing PATH=$PATH variable. e.g. :/Users/your-user-name/android-sdk-macosx/sdk/tools:/Users/your-user-name/android-sdk-macosx/sdk/platform-tools:/Users/your-user-name/android-sdk-macosx/sdk/build-tools:
  • Save profile. Press shift + : type wq! and press enter.
  • Force close/quit all your terminal windows and open a new one.

Test Environment Variables

  • Run $ java -version in terminal. You should see something close to this java version '1.8.0_144' or greater is returned.
  • Run $ ruby -v in terminal. You should see something close to this ruby 2.4.1 or greater.
  • Run $ emulator -help. You should see menu options for android emulator manager.
  • If any of the above is not working check to make sure the install locations are correct and reflected correctly in the path environment variable.

Test ADB is installed.

  • Run $ adb in CMD. You should see this Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.39 or greater along wiht additional menu options.

Create Android Emulator

  • Run $ android create avd -n EM1 -k 'system-images;android-23;google_apis;x86' in terminal.
  • Enter NO to not create a custom hardware profile.
  • Run the emulator: $ANDROID_HOME/tools/emulator -avd EM1
    • Verify avd output on startup includes:
    • Hax is enabled
    • HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode.
    • Verify emulator fully starts and you see the android home/desktop screen.
  • Note: Emulator can also be created via the AVD Manager IDE inside of Android Studio. However, you would need to create a new project or import one to see this menu option.

Install Appium Desktop

  • Download and install Appium Desktop here

Install Appium Doctor via NPM

  • Run $ npm install -g appium-doctor
  • Run $ appium-doctor (checks setup is correct on machine)
    • Verify 'info AppiumDoctor Everything looks good, bye!' is displayed.
    • If there are things missing please go back to the install instructions above or environment variable setup.

Install Appium via NPM

  • Run $ npm install -g appium
    • Verify appium installed correctly by doing $ appium -v

Install Sublime (We should all use same editor)

  • Download and install here

Install Dmg File

Install Allure Report Framework

Macos Appium Install Dmg Vs Npm 2

  • Open terminal and run:
    • $ brew tap qatools/formulas
    • $ brew install allure-commandline
  • Test allure works. Run $ allure in terminal. Verify you see allure menu options after.