How Do Glucocorticoids Dmg Bone

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Oct 18, 2018 In corticosteroid users, both drugs deliver beneficial effects on spine and hip bone mineral density and are associated with a decrease in spinal fractures. Estrogen therapy and Miacalcin (Calcitonin) may help preserve spinal bone mass in postmenopausal women on corticosteroids, but neither is FDA approved for corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis. Glucocorticoids induce rapid bone loss and increase the risk for osteoporotic fractures. The mechanisms include a phase of increased bone resorption, proba This effect is central to the actions of glucocorticoids in bone and it is secondary to the loss of bone forming cells, caused by an inhibition of cell differentiation and an increase in the apoptosis of mature osteoblasts and osteocytes.

Steroid-induced osteoporosis
Other namesSIOP
  1. Corticosteroids, since they suppress the immune system, can lead to an increase in the rate of infections and reduce the effectiveness of vaccines and antibiotics. The long term use of corticosteroids may cause osteoporosis which can result in bone fractures.
  2. What effects do steroids have on bone? Steroid medications have major effects on the metabolism of calcium, vitamin D and bone. This can lead to bone loss, osteoporosis, and broken bones. When steroid medications are used in high doses, bone loss can happen rapidly. It is important to know that not all people who take steroid medications lose bone.
  3. In accordance with the increase in bone resorption, glucocorticoids stimulate the expression of collagenase 3 by posttranscriptional mechanisms. The most significant effect of glucocorticoids in bone is an inhibition of bone formation. This is because of a decrease in the number of osteoblasts and their function.
  4. Jun 21, 2012. Re:how do glucocorticoids lead to osteoporosis? #2683790: jakehayer - 06/21/12 13:29: Excellent Tazul. In addition, this is why an anorexic will be at Higher risk for osteoporosis, but a fat women will be at Lower risk.

Steroid-induced osteoporosis is osteoporosis arising due to use of glucocorticoids (steroid hormones) - analogous to Cushing's syndrome and involving mainly the axial skeleton. The synthetic glucocorticoid prescription drug prednisone is a main candidate after prolonged intake. Bisphosphonates are beneficial in reducing the risk of vertebral fractures.[1] Some professional guidelines recommend prophylactic calcium and vitamin D supplementation in patients who take the equivalent of more than 30 mg hydrocortisone (7.5 mg of prednisolone), especially when this is in excess of three months.[2][3] The use of thiazide diuretics, and gonadal hormone replacement has also been recommended, with the use of calcitonin, bisphosphonates, sodium fluoride or anabolic steroids also suggested in refractory cases.[4] Alternate day use may not prevent this complication.[5]



Mechanisms of SIOP include:[6]

  • Direct inhibition of osteoblast function
  • Direct enhancement of bone resorption
  • Inhibition of gastrointestinal calcium absorption
  • Increased urine calcium loss
  • Inhibition of sex steroids

How Do Glucocorticoids Dmg Bone Take


The diagnosis of osteoporosis can be made using conventional radiography and by measuring the bone mineral density (BMD). The most popular method of measuring BMD is Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.


In addition to the detection of abnormal BMD, the diagnosis of osteoporosis requires investigations into potentially modifiable underlying causes; this may be done with blood tests. Depending on the likelihood of an underlying problem, investigations for cancer with metastasis to the bone, multiple myeloma, Cushing's disease and other above-mentioned causes may be performed.


How Do Glucocorticoids Dmg Bone Start

  1. ^Allen CS, Yeung JH, Vandermeer B, Homik J (October 2016). 'Bisphosphonates for steroid-induced osteoporosis'. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 10: CD001347. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD001347.pub2. PMC6461188. PMID27706804.
  2. ^Bone and Tooth Society of Great Britain, National Osteoporosis Society, Royal College of Physicians (2003). Glucocorticoid-induced Osteoporosis(PDF). London, UK: Royal College of Physicians of London. ISBN978-1-86016-173-5.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  3. ^Homik J, Suarez-Almazor ME, Shea B, Cranney A, Wells G, Tugwell P (2000). 'Calcium and vitamin D for corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis'. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2): CD000952. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD000952. PMID10796394.
  4. ^Lukert BP, Raisz LG (March 1990). 'Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis: pathogenesis and management'. Annals of Internal Medicine. 112 (5): 352–64. doi:10.7326/0003-4819-112-5-352. PMID2407167.
  5. ^Gourlay M, Franceschini N, Sheyn Y (February 2007). 'Prevention and treatment strategies for glucocorticoid-induced osteoporotic fractures'. Clinical Rheumatology. 26 (2): 144–53. doi:10.1007/s10067-006-0315-1. PMID16670825.
  6. ^Steroid-induced osteoporosis By Susan Ott, MD. Updated January 28, 2009. Retrieved on 26 March 2009

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