Ghost Blade Dark Souls Base Dmg
Dark Souls 2 - Increase Melee Damage. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 3 months ago. Raw Rapier +10 (highest base damage because scaling is insignificant at sl1) Ring of Blades +2. Browse other questions tagged dark-souls-2 or ask your own question. Regarding weapon buffs: Weapon buffs lightning blade, dark blade, magic weapon, etc. only use your Base Spell Buff (BSB), and only from the normal scaling stat for their spell type. For example, you can cast magic weapon with the Archdeacon's Great Staff, but it has roughly 100 spell buff even at high faith. Jul 01, 2013 Dark Souls: Farming the Ghost Blade Bald and Bearded. Unsubscribe from Bald and Bearded? In this Dark Souls video I show you how to obtain and farm the rare Ghost Blade. (Prepare To Die Edition)-New enemy types and locations-New armor set effects on each piece-New weapon changes, from having visual effects to dealing different damage types-Item.
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Ghost Blade vs Jagged Ghost Blade. I can't wait to play dark souls 2 and eventually demon souls, praise the freaking sun!!! Edit: just in time for new year's as. The main problem tho is that these weapons both kind of suck.getting around 200+ attack rating when fully upgraded, a +15+ cestus with magic weapon or even better, darkmoon blade, would be decent damage, as would a lightning cestus, but regular fist weapons dont have the wow factor of the dragon punch or ripping ppls humanity out of them.
Ghost Blade Dark Souls Base Dmg Download
Take a bandit knife, reskin it so it looks like a steak knife, replace the r2 with a slower*****tier slash attack, remove bleed altogether, and while your at it make it upgrade with twinkling titanite so you can only go to +5 with no elemental upgrades and remove the amazing dex scaling completely while making it have only 2 enemies in the whole game that have a chance of dropping it and make that chance 1% and you get the ghost blade. As bad as that all sounds I really like looking like a crack smoking murderer slashing and stabbing the ***** out of people with this kitchen knife, but keep in mind that the scaling is atrocious and with every level you add on after level 1 this weapon gets worse and worse due to the other options you can take instead but I love it on my scumbag darkbead lvl 10 character it hits like a wet noodle but can get the job done like a rapier tbh the way it handles makes it feel like the estoc of daggers but way *****ing harder to get and you dont get the bleed effect TD:DR way worse bandit knife with no bleed thats hard as ***** to get thats only really useful at extremely low levels when its going to be excruciatingly hard to get but looks cool and is rare but honestly not worth the grind unless your planning on staying around level 10 Dmg table 5-1 3.5.