Galio Q Base Dmg Needs To Be Reduced

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Galio Q Base Dmg Needs To Be Reduced Rating: 7,5/10 3068 reviews
  • Second Cast: Galio refreshes the damage reduction for 2 seconds, taunts nearby enemies and sets their movement speed to a static 60 for 0.5 − 1.5 (based on charge time) seconds. Affected enemies take magic damage, increased by 0% − 200% (based on charge time).
  • Honestly Galio isn't that strong early especially when they reduced his base damage on his Q this patch so they could buff it in other ways. Now his Q only gains.05 more ap ratio and have to stack up the% health even more due to it being hit hard. Could've made it at least 1.5% or 2% per 100.
“I only wake up when it's time to squash something. And I'm awake right now.”

If Galio avoids taking damage for a moderate period, he gains a shield that absorbs magic damage. (Hold): Holding down the W key causes Galio to enter a defensive stance, gaining damage reduction but moving significantly slower. This channel can't be interrupted even if Galio gets hit with a crowd-control spell. On top of it having DR it grants a huge Magif Shield passively that gets a huge health ratio that increases drastically every level. This is coupled with Galio having the highest base health in the game. All this tends to result in invisible power you dont really need to budget in items to enhance.

Galio q base dmg needs to be reduced free

Looming brazen above Demacia's walls, the colossus stands with silent lips. The elders tell of ages past, when the mighty man stirred to defend the huddled masses. Many doubt these legends. But—like imprisoned lightning—the colossus is waiting. And when he's most needed, he'll stretch his conquering limbs again.

Passive: Colossal Smash

Galio's next basic attack deals bonus magic damage in an area, scaling with his bonus attack damage and magic resist. Colossal Smash's cooldown is reduced whenever Galio's spells hit a unique champion (once per spell).

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Q: Winds of War

Galio fires two gusts of wind that deal magic damage. Where the windblasts converge, a vortex that deals additional damage is formed, including bonus damage based on the target's max health.

W: Shield of Durand (Passive)

If Galio avoids taking damage for a moderate period, he gains a shield that absorbs magic damage.

Galio Q Base Dmg Needs To Be Reduced Lyrics

(Hold): Holding down the W key causes Galio to enter a defensive stance, gaining damage reduction but moving significantly slower. This channel can't be interrupted even if Galio gets hit with a crowd-control spell.

(Release): When W is released, Galio taunts nearby enemy champions. The taunt's range and duration extend based on how long he remained in a defensive stance.

E: Justice Punch

Galio hops back to wind up for an epic haymaker. After a brief delay, he charges forward, dealing magic damage to enemies and knocking them up. Galio's charge stops upon colliding with a champion or terrain.

R: Hero's Entrance

Galio Q Base Dmg Needs To Be Reduced Free

Galio designates an ally's current position as his landing spot, granting them Shield of Durand's damage reduction for a few seconds. He then leaps high into the air, torpedoing to the place his targeted ally was when Galio activated Hero's Entrance. When he lands, he deals magic damage to all enemies in the area and knocks them up. The knockup lasts longer for those in the center of the landing zone.