Can I Delete Microsoft Office Dmg

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Delete a form Go to the Microsoft Forms portal at, and then sign in with your Office 365 work or school account or your personal Microsoft account (Hotmail, Live, or Find the form you want to delete in the list of forms, click More form actions in the upper right corner of the form preview window, and then click Delete. Windows 7 Click Start Control Panel. Click Programs Programs and Features. Right-click the Office application you want to remove, and then click Uninstall.

This article is for administrators. Are you trying to find items in your mailbox that you want to delete? See Find a message or item with Instant Search

You can use the Content Search feature in Office 365 to search for and delete an email message from all mailboxes in your organization. This can help you find and remove potentially harmful or high-risk email, such as:

  • Messages that contain dangerous attachments or viruses

  • Phishing messages

  • Messages that contain sensitive data


Search and purge is a powerful feature that allows anyone that is assigned the necessary permissions to delete email messages from mailboxes in your organization.

Before you begin

  • To create and run a Content Search, you have to be a member of the eDiscovery Manager role group or be assigned the Compliance Search management role. To delete messages, you have to be a member of the Organization Management role group or be assigned the Search And Purge management role. For information about adding users to a role group, see Assign eDiscovery permissions in the Security & Compliance Center.

  • You have to use Security & Compliance Center PowerShell to delete messages. See Step 2 for instructions about how to connect.

  • A maximum of 10 items per mailbox can be removed at one time. Dmg 128 building a stronghold. Because the capability to search for and remove messages is intended to be an incident-response tool, this limit helps ensure that messages are quickly removed from mailboxes. This feature isn't intended to clean up user mailboxes.

  • The maximum number of mailboxes in a Content Search that you can delete items in by doing a search and purge action is 50,000. If the Content Search (that you create in Step 1) has more than 50,000 source mailboxes, the purge action (that you create in Step 3) will fail. See the More information section for a tip on performing a search and purge operation on more than 50,000 mailboxes.

  • The procedure in this article can only be used to delete items in Exchange Online mailboxes and public folders. You can't use it to delete content from SharePoint or OneDrive for Business sites.

Step 1: Create a Content Search to find the message to delete

The first step is to create and run a Content Search to find the message that you want to remove from mailboxes in your organization. You can create the search by using the Security & Compliance Center or by running the New-ComplianceSearch and Start-ComplianceSearch cmdlets. The messages that match the query for this search will be deleted by running the New-ComplianceSearchAction -Purge command in Step 3. For information about creating a Content Search and configuring search queries, see the following topics:


The content locations that are searched in the Content Search that you create in this step can't include SharePoint or OneDrive for Business sites. You can include only mailboxes and public folders in a Content Search that will be used to email messages. If the Content Search includes sites, you'll receive an error in Step 3 when you run the New-ComplianceSearchAction cmdlet.

Tips for finding messages to remove

The goal of the search query is to narrow the results of the search to only the message or messages that you want to remove. Here are some tips:

  • If you know the exact text or phrase used in the subject line of the message, use the Subject property in the search query.

  • If you know that exact date (or date range) of the message, include the Received property in the search query.

  • If you know who sent the message, include the From property in the search query.

  • Preview the search results to verify that the search returned only the message (or messages) that you want to delete.

  • Use the search estimate statistics (displayed in the details pane of the search in the Security & Compliance Center or by using the Get-ComplianceSearch cmdlet) to get a count of the total number of results.

Here are two examples of queries to find suspicious email messages.

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  • This query returns messages that were received by users between April 13, 2016 and April 14, 2016 and that contain the words 'action' and 'required' in the subject line.

  • This query returns messages that were sent by and that contain the exact phrase 'Update your account information' in the subject line.

Step 2: Connect to Security & Compliance Center PowerShell

The next step is to connect to Security & Compliance Center PowerShell for your organization. For step-by-step instructions, see Connect to Security & Compliance Center PowerShell.

If your Office 365 account uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) or federated authentication, you can't use the instructions in the previous topic on connecting to Security & Compliance Center PowerShell. Instead, see the instructions in the topic Connect to Security & Compliance Center PowerShell using multi-factor authentication.

Step 3: Delete the message

After you've created and refined a Content Search to return the message that you want to remove and are connected to Security & Compliance Center PowerShell, the final step is to run the New-ComplianceSearchAction cmdlet to delete the message. You can soft- or hard-delete the message. A soft-deleted message is moved to a user's Recoverable Items folder and retained until the deleted item retention period expires. Hard-deleted messages are marked for permanent removal from the mailbox and will be permanently removed the next time the mailbox is processed by the Managed Folder Assistant. If single item recovery is enabled for the mailbox, hard-deleted items will be permanently removed after the deleted item retention period expires. If a mailbox is placed on hold, deleted messages are preserved until the hold duration for the item expires or until the hold is removed from the mailbox.

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In the following example, the command soft-deletes the search results returned by a Content Search named 'Remove Phishing Message'.

To hard-delete the items returned by the 'Remove Phishing Message' content search, you would run this command:

When you run the previous command to soft- or hard-delete messages, the search specified by the SearchName parameter is the Content Search that you created in Step 1.

For more information, see New-ComplianceSearchAction.

More information

  • How do you get status on the search and remove operation?

    Run the Get-ComplianceSearchAction to get the status on the delete operation. The object that is created when you run the New-ComplianceSearchAction cmdlet is named using this format: <name of Content Search>_Purge.

  • What happens after you delete a message?

    A message that's deleted with the New-ComplianceSearchAction -Purge -PurgeType HardDelete command is moved to the Purges folder and can't be accessed by the user. After the message is moved to the Purges folder, the message is retained for the duration of the deleted item retention period if single item recovery is enabled for the mailbox. (In Office 365, single item recovery is enabled by default when a new mailbox is created.) After the deleted item retention period expires, the message is marked for permanent deletion and will be purged from Office 365 the next time the mailbox is processed by the Managed Folder assistant.

    If you use the New-ComplianceSearchAction -Purge -PurgeType SoftDelete command, messages are moved to the Deletions folder in the user's Recoverable Items folder. It isn't immediately purged from Office 365. The user can recover messages in the Deleted Items folder for the duration based on the deleted item retention period configured for the mailbox. After this retention period expires (or if user purges the message before it expires), the message is moved to the Purges folder and can no longer be accessed by the user. Once in the Purges folder, the message is retained for the duration based on the deleted item retention period configured for the mailbox if single items recovery is enabled for the mailbox. (In Office 365, single item recovery is enabled by default when a new mailbox is created.) After the deleted item retention period expires, the message is marked for permanent deletion and will be purged from Office 365 the next time that the mailbox is processed by the Managed Folder assistant.

  • What if you have to delete a message from more than 50,000 mailboxes?

    As previously stated, you can perform a search and purge operation on a maximum of 50,000 mailboxes. If you have to do a search and purge operation on more than 50,000 mailboxes, consider creating temporary search permissions filters that would reduce the number of mailboxes that would be searched to less than 50,000 mailboxes. For example, if your organization contains mailboxes in different departments, states, or countries, you can create a mailbox search permissions filter based on one of those mailbox properties to search a subset of mailboxes in your organization. After you create the search permissions filter, you would create the search (described in Step 1) and then delete the message (described in Step 3). Then you can edit the filter to search for and purge messages in a different set of mailboxes. For more information about creating search permissions filters, see Configure permissions filtering for Content Search.

  • Will unindexed items included in the search results be deleted?

    No, the `New-ComplianceSearchAction -Purge command doesn't delete unindexed items.

  • What happens if a message is deleted from a mailbox that has been placed on In-Place Hold or Litigation Hold or is assigned to an Office 365 retention policy?

    After the message is purged and moved to the Purges folder, the message is retained until the hold duration expires. If the hold duration is unlimited, then items are retained until the hold is removed or the hold duration is changed.

  • Why is the search and remove workflow divided among different security and compliance center role groups?

    As previously explained, a person has to be a member of the eDiscovery Manager role group or be assigned the Compliance Search management role to search mailboxes. To delete messages, a person has to be a member of the Organization Management role group or be assigned the Search And Purge management role. This makes it possible to control who can search mailboxes in the organization and who can delete messages.

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It is a very common question that is asked by users. Generally, Mac Outlook users have lots of Office 2011 identities that contain unnecessary storage space. To get additional space in a hard drive, then delete the older copies of Office identities. But, they do not know is it safe or not to delete Office 2011 identities for Mac data records. Hence, in this post, we are going to answer all your doubts and clear your confusion that occurs in your mind. However, most of the Mac Outlook users do not have an idea about Office 2011 identities. So, first, let’s know about the Office identities for Mac 2011 data records.

Note: Before deletion of Office 2011 identities for Mac data records, it is always advised to create a backup of Outlook identities. For this purpose, you can use OLK Converter tool.

What are the Identities in Outlook for Mac?

When people use Outlook on Mac OS, it saves all data items like records and indices in OLK format by default. Users can also access this data in OLM format. But, when you need to access the Outlook program on Mac more than one capacity like one for business use and another for personal use, then Outlook use identities to handle these accounts. However, an identity folder stores the set of emails, contacts, calendars, tasks, scrapbook clips, account settings, and many more. To manage the identities folders, it is advised to use the MS database utility that is installed as a part of Office. You are allowed to perform the various task on these identities like renaming, deletion, etc. But, it is not always a good choice to delete the Office 2011 identities for Mac data records.

Why Do People Need to Delete Office 2011 Identities for Mac?

Outlook stores various attachments and emails in the data records folder. If an email with attachment received then all attachments are stored in indices temporarily. Due to this, the file gets larger day by day and this large identity folder creates a problem. Therefore, people delete the old identities from Mac Outlook 2011. But, it is advised to take a backup of all identities. Because, if you have not taken backup and delete Office 2011 identities for Mac data records, it starts creating multiple problems for you. So, you should rebuild the identities, if you delete them without having a backup.

How to Rebuild Identity Database in Outlook 2011 for Mac?

In order to recreate the identity database in Outlook 2011, you need to follow these five-step procedure:

Step 1: Exit from All the Running Applications

  1. First of all, go to the toolbar and click on the Application name menu >> select the Quit option
  2. Then, long press on the Command and Option keys
  3. After that, press the Escape key from the keyboard
  4. Now, select the application that you want to exit from the Force Quit application window
  5. Here, just click on the Force Quit button. Perform this process for all the running applications. But, you cannot quit the Finder window
  6. Finally, close the windows.

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Step 2: Check the Available Storage Capacity on the Hard disk

To maintain the Mac Outlook database identities, you always need sufficient storage space. It is required to have almost three times storage space of the recent Outlook size. Let assume, your Outlook database size is 1 GB, in this case, you need to have 3 GB free space in your hard disk.

Step 3: Create a Backup of Current Identities

  1. Go to the Finder option, then click on Go option >> Home
  2. After that, open the Documents folder >> Microsoft User data folder
  3. Next, right click on the Office 2011 identities folder and choose the Duplicate option to build a new folder
  4. Now, exit from the Mac Outlook application
  5. Finally, you have taken a backup of your current Mac Outlook database identities.

Step 4: Rebuild Database Using Inbuilt Utility

  1. Exit all running applications from the system
  2. Long press on the Option key to start the Mac Outlook 2011 application or Application Folder
  3. After that, click on the Microsoft Office 2011 >> double-click on the Microsoft Database Utility app
  4. Then, choose the Database & click on the Rebuild option
  5. Now, a window will open that shows the recreating database progress and you will get the message “Your database was rebuilt successfully” after creation of the database
  6. Finally, you can start the Outlook 2011 application & verify the problem is resolved or not.

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After resolving the problem, you can access the Outlook application. But, if the problem still occurs, you need to create a new Identity to fix the issue.

Step 5: Build a New Identity For Mac Outlook 2011

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  1. At first, exit all the applications and long press on the Option key to open Outlook and Microsoft database utility
  2. Then, click on the (+) icon & provide the name for a new identity
  3. Now, set the recently created Outlook profile as a default
  4. Finally, you will recreate the new Outlook profile.


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People get always confused about that they should delete Office 2011 identities for Mac or not. Hence, in this blog, we have given the answer of all the queries asked by users. Apart from this, we have also discussed the complete process to rebuild the Outlook identities.